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1. Lake Toba is Southeast Asia.s largest lake surrounded by amazing landscapes composed of cliffs, hill an waterfalls. Batak people live in wooden houses richly painted and shaped like boats. Non-stop domestic and international flights from /to Medan (North Sumatra)
2. Bukit Tinggi and the Minangkabau Highlands are home to one of the most intriguing Indonesia ethnics in West Sumatra. In lush landscapes, visitors ca admire finely sculpted wooden houses crowned by buffalo-shaped roofs, some of them over 300 years old. Minangkabau people is a devoted Muslim society, where women play however a pivotal role in daily live .. Non-stop domestic and international flights from /to Padang (West Sumatra)
3. Jakarta.s old town is one of the best preserved in Indonesia around Fatahilla Square, where the first house of the Dutch governor has been converted into the Jakarta History Museum. On the west side of the square, the Wayang Museum displays a fine collection of puppets from Indonesia and the rest of the world. Do not miss in Jakarta the Mational Museum for its outstanding art collections, Jalan Surabaya for antique dealers shops, the greet view from the top of the National Monumet (Monas) and Taman Mini Indonesia, a theme park presenting all the various Indonesian islands. Non-stop domestic and international flights from /to Jakarta.
4. Bandung, the capital city of West Java is either dubbed the .Parijs van Java. or an Asian .Miami Beach. because if its impressive collection of art Deco buildings. Promised to be the new capital city of the Dutch-ruled Indonesia, Bandung has striking examples of western ispired architecture. Not to be missed, the Asia-Africa street with its fine 1930s- style hotels and the building which hosted the famous summit in 1955 as well as the .Gedung Sate. an imposing structure in pure Art Deco style. Do not miss the view on Bandung from the top of the tower! Non-stop domestic and limited international flights from /to Bandung (West Java)
5. Yogyakarta is considered as the cultural cradle of Java. The city still has within its premises the Royal Palace (Keraton), an old town with small traditional Javanese houses which host numerous batik workshops as well as the magnificent Taman Sari (Water Castle) complex, a century old royal spa. Non-stop domestic and limited international flights from /to Yogyakarta or neighbouring Solo (Central Java)
6. Borobudur and Prambanan, the two magnificent temple are both listed on Unesco.s World Heritage List. Borobudur, built between 778 and 856 is the world.s largest Buddhist monument and surrounded by volcanoes. It is worth a visit at any time but particularly at sunrise. Prambanan dates from 856 an is southeast Asia.s largest Hinduism temple with outstanding basreliefs. Ramayana performances are hosted for visitor at dawn. Non-stop domestic and limited international flights from /to Yogyakarta or neighbouring Solo (Central Java)
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